The content of the journal is available at:

  • The archives of Biblioteka Nauki [browse]
  • The archives of BazEkon, from No 1(1998) [browse
  • The archives of Śląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Silesian Digital Library), from No 49(2008) [browse]
  • The archives of CEJSH [browse for issues published between 1998 and 2020; browse for issues published since 2022]
  • The website of the Publishing House of the University of Economics in Katowice [browse for issues published between 1998 and 2020]
  • EBSCOHost

The University of Economics in Katowice issues the Research Papers (Zeszyty Naukowe) since 1957.
Between 1998 and 2020 the journal was published under the title “Studia Ekonomiczne” (No 1 – 395). Since 2021, the University appointed new Editorial Board and the title, aims and scope of the journal were redefined, to reach the international community. The journal was renamed to “Studies in Risk and Sustainable Development” ISSN 2720-6300