The SRSD operates in a double blind peer review model. The anonymity of Authors and Reviewers is maintained throughout the review process. Articles submitted to the journal are subject of initial assessment by the Editor-in-Chief, to revise their suitability and compatibility to the SRSD’s aim and scope. Manuscripts considered as suitable are further submitted to minimum two reviewers, independent of the authors (not affiliated with the same institution). The independent reviewers are appointed by the Editor-in-Chief, after the consultation with Editorial Board members. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the final acceptance or rejection of the submitted manuscript and the decision is final.

In the review process, the Reviewers are requested to follow the ethical standards policy of the SRSD, in particular:

  • Treat the reviewed manuscripts and the related correspondence with the Editorial Team as highly confidential. If the Reviewer obtains privileged information or ideas through the peer review, it must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.
  • Alert the Editorial Team if they suspect plagiarism or any other ethical concerns.
  • Notify the Editorial Team if they suspect any conflict of interest related to the revised paper.
  • Inform the Editorial Team if they receive the invitation to review a paper that does not match their field of expertise
  • Inform the Editorial Team if they are not able to review the manuscript in due time, to ensure the promptness of the review process
  • Objectively evaluate the reviewed manuscripts, based solely on the content of the revised paper and its relevance to the SRSD’s aims and scope. The comments should be formulated clearly, with supporting arguments, in order to help the Author(s) to improve their manuscripts.
  • Assist the Editorial Board and the Publisher in the peer review process and in making the final decision concerning the submitted manuscripts.

The Editors gratefully acknowledge the Reviewers’ efforts in increasing the quality of the SRSD content.

REVIEW FORM (with review criteria)