All manuscripts submitted to the SRSD are first subject to the evaluation by the journal Editor. The Editor verifies whether the manuscript matches the SRSD’s aim and scope and ensures that the SRSD’s policy and guidelines are followed. If the manuscript does not meet these criteria, it is rejected by the Editor. Before further processing, the article is subject of plagiarism check, based on the results of the iThenticate report. The similarity rate is expected to be less than 15%
The manuscript is further subject to the double-blind peer review procedure (the Authors and the Reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review process). The Editor appoints two anonymous and independent reviewers whose expertise corresponds to the manuscript content. More details about the review process and review criteria are available here: FOR REVIEWERS.
The Author is informed by the Editors about the decision on the submitted manuscript and the anonymized Reviewers’ comments are provided within. If the Editors’ decision is to resubmit the manuscript after minor or major revisions, the Author is requested to provide a response to the review comments and the detailed explanation on the scope of the amendments in the resubmitted manuscript file should be provided.
SUBMISSION: please send your manuscript to
On the first submission of the manuscript, authors are requested to upload:
- Title page that contains: title of the article, the full names and affiliations of all authors, acknowledgements, declaration on conflicts of interest, and funding sources
- The anonymized main manuscript file that contains: the title of the article, type of the article, structured abstract, keywords, and JEL classification. It is important to ensure that no identifying information of Author(s) is included in order to ensure anonymity at the peer review stage.
Title page template
Anonymized manuscript file template
- Detailed manuscript requirements that apply to the first submission
Format: PDF or Microsoft Word
Article length/word count
This journal does not limit the length of the text. However, the authors are recommended to prepare manuscripts of between 6,000-8,000 words for full-length papers and up to 3,000 words for research notes. Authors may submit additional material as supplementary data.
Article title
Make sure that the title is specific and concise, and abbreviations are avoided.
Type of the article
Authors are asked to select the category of the paper from the following options:
- Full-length research paper (e.g. tests the hypotheses by applying the empirical methods to the available data or survey results)
- Research note (short papers that communicate the first results of empirical studies in a concise manner)
- Conceptual study (discursive, descriptive or instructional papers that offer a review of concepts, techniques, phenomena)
- Literature review (applies to the studies that the main purpose is to critically review the existing literature, by following the related methodical approach, to develop a topic or explore different views)
List of authors, their affiliations and email addresses
Provide the full names, affiliations, email and ORCID of all the authors. Affiliations should include the department, university or organization, city, and country. One of the authors should be designated as the corresponding author, and their email address needs to be included.
Declaration on conflicts of interest
Provide a summary declaration of interest statement in the title page file. If there are no interests to declare, then please state this: “Declarations of interest: none”.
You as the author are free to decide whether to include acknowledgments or not. The acknowledgements could be provided within the title page but not in the main manuscript file.
The information on funding sources could be provided within the title page but not in the main manuscript file.
The abstract should briefly introduce the manuscript, not exceeding 300 words, formatted as follows:
- Purpose
- Design/method
- Results/Findings
- Originality/Value
At least 3 to 6 keywords or phrases should be included and must be separated by commas to distinguish them. The keywords should not repeat the title. The editorial team may replace some keywords to ensure consistency across the SRSD papers and improve articles’ visibility.
JEL codes
A maximum of 3 Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes should be included (guidelines)
Keep headings clear and concise, in bold or italics, numbered with Arabic numerals.
The notes and endnotes should be used only if necessary.
Figures and tables
Both color and black and white figures are accepted. All tables and figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. The font size in figures and tables should be readable (min. font size is 9).
Please use the APA referencing style (
The submission process
Please send your manuscript to
- Requirements that apply to revised manuscripts
The revised manuscripts should be resubmitted via the submission system.
The Author(s) are requested to provide detailed comments to the review reports, by explaining the scope of the manuscript amendments.
The accepted papers will be subject to production by the Publisher and the Author(s) will be asked to follow the instructions provided within, as regards the detailed formatting requirements and language corrections.