The SRSD is a free-of-charge open-access journal issued by the Publishing House of the University of Economics in Katowice. The journal does not charge submission fees (ASF) or article processing fees (APF).

This journal provides immediate open access to the published papers under
Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial International License:

  • BY – You may adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material when proper attribution to the original source is provided (Attribution)
  • NC – You may adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material only for any non-commercial purposes (NonCommercial).

This allows authors to retain copyright of their work whilst others can share, use and build upon this work created as long as appropriate attribution is given.

Repository policy: SRSD allows authors to deposit their papers in an institutional repository or other repository of their choice, without embargo. This applies to all versions of the paper: submitted manuscript, author accepted manuscript, and the version published on SRSD website (version of record).

We highly encourage all authors to promote their papers published in SRSD by sharing the link on social media, updates on institutional and professional websites, ORCID, university repositories, or social networks.